Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Memorable Moment(s)............

My very special Grandmother. My grandmother Helena is approaching 89 this year and is a wonderful admirable women. She has read more books this week than I have or will have in a life time. She has traveled all over the world Japan, Europe,China, Chad, Africa, Italy..... Hawaii all the states and so on. Her favorite trip was Africa. She once told me the trip she took would cost thousands now a days. I love Balsamic Vinegar and she told me there is a city in Italy that you can smell the vinegar that's how strong it is, and the older the better. She is an amazing cook and can cook anything you ask. Her Artichokes and Homemade soups are my favs. She loves Buster to death and always says how much he loves my mother, but I know he loves me more :) Up until a winter or two she was still driving herself. Oh and she absolutely adores Amelia. Loves her and always says how beautiful she is. Christmas's are always special with her and she gives the greatest gifts. Needs instead of wants. Sometimes two left slippers but hey its the thought. Last year she wasn't feeling well so Xmas 2007 just wasn't the same. But she made it this year and here is a pic from then and also Jill Nana and I from Jillian's Baby shower.

Jillian Mom and Nana at Jillian's Baby Shower

Jillian Nana and Me
Nana and I at Christmas

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Updated the Shutterfly page.

So you can check the www.justus3.shutterfly.com for pictures of Jillian's baby shower and also so new ones for March. Hope all is well with everyone and I am so ready for Spring.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Amelia riding her bike and Curriculum night....

Of course Buster
Buster being Buster... I am on the computer and he is on my lap.

Amelia riding her new bike....
After Church this past Sunday the weather was nice enough (no snow or rain) for Jason to take Amelia on a little bike ride. They walked from our house and went down by Amelia's school and the Gloucester High School. She loved it. There is also a little playground they stopped at. We are going to get her a helmet when the weather is nicer and she will be on it more.

Curriculum Night

Last night Amelia's school had Curriculum night. They shared with all the parents what the classroom is currently working on. Amelia's class is working on heath and nutrition. Everything Amelia eats now she always asks if its healthy. Its cute, and now a days super helpful. Great way to get her to try new veggies.. tell her they are healthy. She eats like her dad anyway will eat almost anything. The kids made fruit salad, but below I believe Jason and Amelia are eating ice cream. She was aware this isn't very healthy but we are trying to teach her moderation :) How could a child not eat ice cream. The little girl in the stripes with Amelia is her friend Journey we made a play date and can hopefully get them together outside of school, we also found out they live on street over.